Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kisses and Grandma

Handsome I think hit a couple milestones today. Well, not technically milestones, but I think they are pretty important. Twice today he just walked up to DH, who was sitting on the floor, and kissed him on the lips!!! Handsome has never been a kissy baby. He'll hug, but he's never just walked up and kissed. A couple times he's done it to me, but I wasn't sure if that's what he was actually doing. But today it was obvious. He kissed his Daddy. Too cute!

Then I was on the phone with my mother. DH had gone upstairs. When I got off the phone, Handsome of course came for the phone. I told him it was Grandma on the phone and he pointed to a photo on the wall of his Grandma! He actually understood me! Yay!! Now granted the Grandma he pointed to was actually DHs mom, but still, it was a Grandma!

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