Thursday, April 29, 2010


Oh milk. How do I hate thee. Let me count the ways.

So I'm allergic to milk. Not REALLY allergic, but still allergic. I get a headache. That's all. Sadly I think Junior may have inherited the allergy. Arg. He has been grumpy, spitting up a lot, and having green mucusy poop. I have been eating a lot of dairy the past few days and I'm afraid that is the culprit. I'm going to try my darndest to reduce the amount of dairy I eat and see if that helps.

On unrelated notes...
Junior has started kind of cooing. It seems early for that but I love it none the less.
We are relying on Disney to get us through times where I have to pay more attention to Junior than Handsome. I feel terrible about it but I don't know how else to do it.
Handsome has been acting pretty well for me but does occasionally tell me that Junior wants to go into his crib - thus freeing me to play with Handsome.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Trusty old swing

Today was the first time that Junior slept in the swing. I found that the only way he would sit in the swing and not cry was by facing him towards the glass doors so that he could see outside and swinging side to side. Handsome preferred swinging back and forth.

I found out the swing trick while Handsome was taking his nap so I got a good hour or so with empty hands. Yay! I should have slept or cleaned my terribly messy and dirty house but instead I ate ice cream and edited pictures. I'm terrible.

Junior is a spit up baby. He won't open his mouth enough when he's nursing so he swallows a lot of air. I keep trying to het him to open his mouth more and he will for a couple seconds but then he goes right back to what he was doing before.

Monday, April 26, 2010

First punch

Junior got his first punch in the face from Handsome today. It wasn't on pirpose but I thought I would docent it anyway. It only took a bit over two weeks. Handsome was lying on the couch next to Junior and I and he wanted to tell me something and for emphasis - because he must always add emphasis - he flung his arm into my lap. Junior was of course in my lap and got whacked in the face. There was crying but not much. It wasn't so bad. I'm sure there is much worse to come.

Oh and btw, Handsome woke up at 7am. DH opened his door and promptly went back to sleep. Now I'm downstairs with both. Granted he was up until about 3 am working on the computer and he did hold Junior for a couple hours so that I could sleep. Still, sleeping till noon seems unfair to me. Yes I could send Handsome up to wake him up, but I know he needs sleep and I'd rather he be in a good mood.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Junior is mine

So in the past few days I can finally see that Junior is mine. I know that sounds weird so let me explain. Handsome has my eyes so it's not hard to look at him and see part of myself looking back at me. Add that to the fact that I've been looking at him for almost three years and I have an image in my head of what my children should look like. I know i would never have children that look identical to eachother but I'm just so used to Handsome that I guess I expected all of my sons to look like him.

Anyway I guess it took two weeks for Junior's face to be etched in my mind. I already had the love and the mother worry but now I have his face etched in there too.

Does this make me a bad mom or is this a normal thing for mothers of more than one boy or more than one girl?

God bless extra hands

DH held Junior for the first time this morning. I can't begin to express how nice it is to be able to go to the bathroom without having to bring Junior with me. And being able to take a shower without worrying about whether Junior is crying. I love watching DH with him. He is now studying his every little feature.

Are you hungry?

"Are you hungry Pooh? Alright. Alright. Mommy, I'm feeding Baby Pooh too!" This is what Handsome said this morning as he was sitting next to Junior and I on the couch. He lifted up his shirt and put Pooh there to breastfeed him. Lol. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he's a boy and won't be able to breastfeed.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monitor entertainment

A couple nights ago I was up feeding Junior and I hear this distinct 'ka-thud' on the monitor. Handsome had fallen out of his bed. I couldn't help but laugh a little to myself. Leave it to Handsome to bring a little levity when I most need it. Then I heard, " mommy?" and he climbed back into bed and fell asleep.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Junior's two week check up

Junior had his two week check up today. His weight gain is really good. I asked about the bump on his head - from going through the birth canal - and she said it would be quite a while before it goes away because it isn't on a joint. She also commented that his rear is a weird shape. I had noticed it before but didn't know if it was an issue or not. She said his legs moved like they were supposed to so it is likely nothing but we'd keep an eye on it. It's hard to explain but it is just a little crooked right at the top of the 'crack'.

Also today was a big day for DH. Today he became a US citizen!!! Talk about relieving some stress. I'm so glad to be done with immigration. Handsome, Junior and I got to be there for the ceremony.

Junior's umbilical cord finally fell off tonight. DH won't hold Junior until the cord has fallen off and the belly button has healed. I'm SO ready for it to heal now that the cord has finally fallen off. I've been the only person taking care of Junior since he was born and I'm tired. Really tired. I would like to feel a bit less alone in taking care of Junior.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Junior's nights

So we've been averaging about three hours of sleep at night. Those hours aren't consecutive though. Last night was better though. I was up every hour or two to feed him but he fell asleep between feedings. We've been sleeping on the new recliner couch. He sleeps on my lap. I know it would be better if he was in the basinet but this way we get the most sleep. I haven't slept in my own bed since we got home . Mostly that is because I didn't want to climb up the stairs while my body was still healing.

Talking about healing, this time around has been much easier. Even the so-called labor amnesia has kicked in faster. I know this time hurt more, but for some reason the aftermath seems easier. weird right?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Junior's First Days

So I'm way behind. I keep meaning to write, but getting the time is hard to do. I'm not even sure how much time I'll have just now.

Our second son, who I think I'll call Junior was born last week.... and is crying on cue right now. Gah. He has a sixth sense to know when I'm trying to do something else.

Junior is different from Handsome. More different than I thought possible. First of all he is taller and skinnier. He is a good three inches or taller than Handsome was at birth. He weighs more but he seems skinnier because of the extra length. He will only eat when he is good and ready to eat - there is nothing that will convince him he is hungry when he is not. His arms actually touch if you stretch them over his head. I didn't know a newborn's arms could do that. It took Handsome maybe six months before his arms could reach each other over his head. When Junior looks around, he looks like he is really studying the place. He's not as quick to grab your hand though - it's more like he will do it just to humor you. He seems to have DH's nose and my jawline. I think he looks nothing like Handsome, but others think he looks just like him, so I don't know if it's a Mom thing that makes me think they are so different or if they actually are.

Handsome has done really wel with having Junior in the house. He always says how he loves his baby brother and how he's so cute. He constantly wants to hold him and kiss him on his head. He has been extra hyper, but that seems to be the only issue the baby has caused. He's also not happy that I haven't been able to do his bedtime routine with him.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So my second son was born last week. I keep comparing him to Handsome thinking they should still be so similar since the baby is so young, but they are in fact their each individual personalities. I've been trying to think of a nickname for baby #2 but can't think of anything except Stubborn. It is very accurate as he is the most stubborn child I've ever met. He could not be forced to be born whether by due date or induction. He will only eat when he is darn ready and of course his pregnancy was pretty difficult. I'm thinking though that it wouldn't be very nice to nickname one child Handsome and the other Stubborn. I've got to think of something

I'm being called...