Thursday, April 29, 2010


Oh milk. How do I hate thee. Let me count the ways.

So I'm allergic to milk. Not REALLY allergic, but still allergic. I get a headache. That's all. Sadly I think Junior may have inherited the allergy. Arg. He has been grumpy, spitting up a lot, and having green mucusy poop. I have been eating a lot of dairy the past few days and I'm afraid that is the culprit. I'm going to try my darndest to reduce the amount of dairy I eat and see if that helps.

On unrelated notes...
Junior has started kind of cooing. It seems early for that but I love it none the less.
We are relying on Disney to get us through times where I have to pay more attention to Junior than Handsome. I feel terrible about it but I don't know how else to do it.
Handsome has been acting pretty well for me but does occasionally tell me that Junior wants to go into his crib - thus freeing me to play with Handsome.

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