Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ugly Poo

Ugh. The intricacies of infant poo are beating me. We had to take Junior to the dr because he had blood in his stool. It wasn't a huge amount but it was recurrant and noticeable. The dr guessed that it was either from an allergy to something I was eating or his bad latch was making me bleed and that was going through his system. So she had me get rid of all traces of dairy over this past weekend. That is not an easy task. I haven't seen the blood for the past few days so maybe that worked? I don't know. His poo is also green and yesterday turned into a watery diarrhea. Bleck. What is wrong with Junior's belly?

Junior isalso getting his share of baby acne.

Yesterday he gave me a genuine smile. It was awesome. I can't wait till those are more common.

Handsome has decided that he doesn't like it when Junior cries. He tells us that he doesn't like the noise and demands that we make it stop. I sure wish we could snap our fingers and make Junior happy.

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