Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Junior's two week check up

Junior had his two week check up today. His weight gain is really good. I asked about the bump on his head - from going through the birth canal - and she said it would be quite a while before it goes away because it isn't on a joint. She also commented that his rear is a weird shape. I had noticed it before but didn't know if it was an issue or not. She said his legs moved like they were supposed to so it is likely nothing but we'd keep an eye on it. It's hard to explain but it is just a little crooked right at the top of the 'crack'.

Also today was a big day for DH. Today he became a US citizen!!! Talk about relieving some stress. I'm so glad to be done with immigration. Handsome, Junior and I got to be there for the ceremony.

Junior's umbilical cord finally fell off tonight. DH won't hold Junior until the cord has fallen off and the belly button has healed. I'm SO ready for it to heal now that the cord has finally fallen off. I've been the only person taking care of Junior since he was born and I'm tired. Really tired. I would like to feel a bit less alone in taking care of Junior.

1 comment:

Amy Anderson said...

Congrats to DH! I didn't realize he wasn't a citizen yet. How cool!

Glad that baby boy of yours is growing so well. Can't wait to meet him!