Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Silly Mommy, Milk is for bottles

I put milk in a sippy cup this morning to see what Handsome would do. He LOVES milk and and as soon as he sees the jug coming out of the fridge he gets all excited and just knows that milk is coming. Usually of course it goes into a bottle and you can lay him down on the floor hand the bottle to him and he will go to town. Well, I gave him the sippy cup, he took a sip, and he gave me a look of at first confusion and then disgust.

I should also add that he loves water. We typically only put water in his sippy cup and he will go through a couple of those every day.

I fed him his yogurt and left the sippy cup on the coffee table. He kept going to it and trying it again. It was never right. In order to check whether it was the cup or the milk, I transferred the milk into a bottle and laid him down and handed it to him. He laid down there and finished that bottle of milk.

Apparently milk doesn't belong in a sippy cup. Sippy cups are for water.

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