Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joining the Pack

Well, I decided to join the rest of the world today. I have started a blog. I didn't even know what that word meant until about a year ago, and I'm still not entirely sure I understand. I used to write in a journal everyday and then I got married and my free time seemed to disappear. Do you realize how long it takes to write freehand? I used to spend hours writing and I miss that, so this is my attempt to rekindle that - minus all the juicy details. Right now I have a string of emails to myself that is getting ridiculously long, and hence I decided to start this.

I have absolutely no idea how to edit things and make everything fancy. I was given the default template and so far I like it. It's green and I'm fond of green. My couches are green, my drapes are green (Though the drapes are admittedly ugly and need to be replaced. The previous owners left them and I'm too cheap to replace them.), my son's room has a green theme, and people say my eyes are green. My eyes are really hazel, but I'm good with calling them green. 'Spose I could get a hazel background? ... I sat next to the quarterback of my high school's football team in Biology and we had to do a project where we had to study our lab partner's eyes and draw them. You have to wonder whether the bio teacher was trying to set the students up. Anyway, the quarterback had beautiful blue eyes. I asked him a few days before the drawing was due if he had drawn mine - just making conversation of course - and he said he hadn't drawn it yet, but it was going to be easy because my eyes looked like sunflowers. I was smitten. In actuality he was short and not too bright, but he said my eyes looked like sunflowers so I was putty.

I digress.

I will try to keep up with everything and vent without offending. These things have private options too right?

1 comment:

AP7 Creations said...

hehe, I've gotten the sunflower eyes comment too... it IS quite smittening. ;)