Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

DH and I decided that we would go shopping early on Black Friday - something neither DH nor I have ever done, but we're extra poor this year so if anyone was getting Christmas presents this was the only way to go.

The alarm went off, and I hit snooze. The alarm went of again, and I hit snooze again. I hate shopping and getting up early to do it is not on my list of fun things to do. Anyway, we finally got up and I went to get Handsome out of bed. My poor Handsome. He had developed a cold overnight so he was hoarse and wheezing. I was terrified he had pneumonia because I'm that type of mom. It's a good thing that it developed over night because otherwise I would have blamed myself for waking him up so early and taking him shopping.

We all bundled up and went to Walmart. The place was elbow to elbow with people. The main thing that I wanted was a more selfish want. I wanted a Christmas tree. We can't afford one, but Walmart had one on Black Friday for $25! We also bought Christmas presents for Handsome and a couple DVDs that were on sale.

So now I have a Christmas tree. I love it! It is a little Charlie Brown - esqe, but it is my Christmas tree and I've never had my own before. So far Handsome has done really well with not messing with the tree. He'll point at it and ask what it is, but there haven't been any overt attacks of the Christmas tree.

And as for the cold, he didn't speak at all, because he had no voice. He had silent laughs and silent cries. We gave him warm tea with honey to help his throat, Tang for vitamin C, and yogurt for his immune system. I tried to keep a water sippy cup with him at all times. We had to give him Tylenol at one point because the fever started to bother him. He did sleep well though, so I was thankful for that.

Oh, and we found another word that Handsome knows: Bear. When we were at Walmart he started pointing to a display of teddy bears and saying "Bear! Bear!" Too cute.

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