Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President-Elect Barack Obama

I stayed home from work yesterday assuming I would face a long line for voting and traffic at weird hours trying to get to the polls. This election was very important to me for so many reasons. I believe the Republicans have had their time and it is time to hand over the reigns for a little while. I believe the economy needs a different theory to run by for a while. I believe we need to leave a country that we more occupy than help protect right now. I believe we need comprehensive health care for all. I believe we need more social acceptance and that Obama would be better to bring each issue about. And on a more personal note, I believe my son needs a man to look up to. If he ever has any doubts that he, as a biracial person, could achieve anything, he now has an example.

With all this being said, I do have reservations. Obama has a whole load of problems that he is walking into. We, as a nation, have so much debt and so many new enemies. On top of that he is going to have to face all the people who still harbor racism, follow this Ayers thing and think he is a terrorist, or think he is somehow against this nation he was elected to lead. Every time he speaks before a huge crowd in the USA, I'm going to hold my breath and pray that God keeps him safe.

If McCain had won, I wouldn't have been sad. I like McCain. I don't like the tactics that have been used during the campaign, and I don't like Palin, but I do like McCain. If he had won I just would have prayed that he stayed healthy for the full four year term.

So anyway, I woke up around 9am and got Handsome up. We headed to vote at the local library by 10 am. The line was out the door, but not too long. There were lots of mothers with their children and people of all races and ages. It was chilly and misting outside, but not too bad. Handsome stayed in my arms and drank his milk for the entirety of the line. We had electronic touch screen voting machines that were much better than the machines we had last time. Last time the sensors weren't calibrated so you had to touch in the wrong spot to vote for who you wanted. This time it was very clear, simple and easy. We got our sticker and left and I felt so proud of myself and happy that Handsome could be there with me.

We were slated to volunteer from 5-7pm to try to keep people in line. We got a t-shirt for Handsome that said "THANK YOU for waiting in line FOR ME!" It was too cute because they didn't have toddler sizes so we put it over his jacket and he looked like he was ready to go play football. But once we got to the library, there was no line! We hung around for about thirty minutes and then left because no one was there and it was cold and rainy. I'm assuming everyone voted early thinking it would be too busy after work.

We came home and a few friends came over to watch the results with us. It was overall a very good day. Handsome was able to be there with me to make history. I feel such a sense of pride for him and for his future. My eyes tear up just thinking about it.

Now the reigns are in Obama's hands. I can only pray that he will do the right thing and that American can climb out of the problems we have gotten ourselves into. Please, Lord, guide him and give him the wisdom that he needs.

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