Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Not so limited mobility

Well, Handsome is moving around even better these days. His crawl is now a bona fide crawl. His favorite spots seem to be the VCR, the small speaker wire on the bottom stair, and the coffee table with all its attractions. He will start crawling to the VCR and once he gets just within arms reach, he will lay down on his stomach, reach his hand out and simultaneously look back at me to see if I am watching. Sometimes I'll even get the smile when he sees that I am indeed watching him. When he's done smiling, his hand goes into the VCR so that he can hear the coveted noise that it will make when the door opens and shuts.

Then a couple days ago I heard him awaken from his nap, and went to get him from his crib and found his new talent. He had reached above the bumper and was holding onto the crib's railing - again laughing at me as I caught him in the act. Seeing as he is now starting to pull himself up - at least to his knees - on whatever he can climb on, I think it is now time to lower the crib mattress so that he doesn't climb out of the crib a little earlier than he can truly handle.

And with all this mobility, do you know what he STILL won't do? Sit. The boy refuses to sit. If you sit him in front of the TV and make no other noises, then he will remain seated and watch TV for a little while. Other than that, he refuses to sit still. I think he knows how to sit, he is just unwilling to do so. He would much rather be crawling and getting into something new. Now when you sit him on his little hiney, he will immediately lean forward, get onto his hands and knees and start crawling.

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