Monday, June 2, 2008

Grandma, you are missed.

Well, a lot has happened since I last posted.

DH's grandmother passed away on Thur. DH is devastated. He loved his grandmother perhaps more than anyone, and now she passed away when DH is on another continent. He bought a nice coffin for her and helped pay for the funeral, but that is all we could do. It would cost too much right now for him to fly there for her funeral. I know it hurts him that he was so far away from her for the last three years of her life.

As for me, I ended up with an ugly cold. I stayed home from work on Thur and Fri because I just felt horrible. I washed my hands as often as possible in hopes that Handsome wouldn't get sick, but on Sunday we started seeing the snot flowing from his little nose. Sunday night he struggled to go to sleep since he usually sucks his thumb and the stuffed nose was making breathing difficult if he wanted to put his thumb in his mouth. I rocked him and sang to him to help him fall asleep a little easier. He woke up around 4am with a snot filled nose and a very warm body. DH got the Tylenol for him so we could help him feel a little better. I knew he had a low grade fever, but didn't think it was bad enough for more than a little Tylenol. I fed him and he went back to sleep easily. I left for work late this morning, so that I could breastfeed him before work.

We went to a wedding on Saturday. We were late to the actual ceremony so Handsome did great! :) We brought one of those snack traps and he spent the whole time trying to fish out Cheerios. During the reception we did a lot of walking just outside the reception. Everyone commented on how small he was and was already walking. There was a 16 month old walking around that Handsome just wanted to follow all the time. The 16 month old was SO much taller than Handsome!! One of the guys there kept playing with Handsome and saying he looked just like him as a child. One of the workers actually came by a little while later and said, "He looks just like his father!" and was talking about the other guy! DH was away talking to other people so he didn't hear what the guy said.

Handsome has actually been sleeping all the way through the night for about a week now! It is glorious! I pray that it continues. He even slept the whole night at the hotel!

1 comment:

Michelle Lynn said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Having just been through the loss of a family member, I know how difficult it is. And I live in the same state as my relatives. Your family will be in my prayers.