Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm so tired my eyes hurt. I shouldn't be this tired. I've mostly been getting full nights of sleep. The past couple nights Handsome has woken up and cried a couple times, but I didn't get out of bed any of those times. He cried enough to keep me awake and listening, but they weren't desperate calls, so I let him cry himself back to sleep.

I miss my DH. He's been so busy with his school that I've hardly seen him. He's home; he's just downstairs in the basement in his "Do Not Disturb" mode. We desperately need a date night.

A friend of mine just bought a gorgeous house and I'm jealous. It's huge and gorgeous and in a good neighborhood. The economy can bite me - and sadly it has.

So tired.

I need my Christmas vacation now please.

1 comment:

Michelle Lynn said...

I'll take a vacation too, please.