Thursday, October 16, 2008

The art of eating a sandwich

So Handsome has had a sandwich before, but not all by himself. Yes, he's old enough he should have had one himself a long time ago, but here's the thing: we don't really have a dining room. We have a table that is on it's last leg that sits on the carpet. If I let Handsome feed himself more often my carpet would be beyond disgusting. The other option is to let him eat in the kitchen, but then either DH or I would have to stand there with him because there is not room for more than one chair. Sad, I know.

So anyway, I let him feed himself the sandwich last night. He was so excited! He tried to use both hands and the sandwich kinda folded like a taco and completely dipped underneath his mouth. But the ever persistent Handsome kept trying and ate the whole sandwich! All by himself! Anytime a crumb fell on the carpet he was sure to point to it to let me know I needed to pick it up. Oh so helpful.

My little boy is growing up.

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