Saturday, December 8, 2007

Standing poop

Ok, I know it's a bad title for the post, but it was funny so I went with it.

On Dec 6, Thur, Handsome had two more milestones. They seem to be coming with lightening speed.

First of all, since he has been eating his squash I knew the poop would change. Well, on Thur he had is first real poop. Luckily DH got to change the diaper! ;)

The second milestone came with his climbing. He normally will grab onto something low so that he can halfway stand up and then grab something a little higher to stand all the way up. Well on Thur, he was climbing on my legs and got to the halfway mark where he was holding onto me and standing on his knees. Then he got to his feet and straightened up to grab onto something higher and there was nothing to grab onto! So he stood there, on his feet, with his hands in the air, staring at me with the most confused look on his face. After a few seconds he realized that there was nothing to hold onto so he sat down, still confused with what had just happened. I called DH into the room, but of course Handsome wouldn't do it again. But still, he stood up all on his own without holding onto anything!!! He's also starting to walk from one corner to the next while holding onto the coffee table. He only gets a few steps before he trips over himself and falls down, but it's definite progress!

We still don't have much of the "baba" or "mama" and I'm kinda bummed about it. He is still in love with the screeching, grunting, and raspberry sounds. Occasionally he looks like he's trying to say something and kinda grunts with a pattern, but all the books claim that he's supposed to be repeating syllables now. I know that every child develops differently, and I expected him to be late with talking since he has two languages coming at him, but I thought I would at least get a "mama" since that is the same in both languages. Plus right now he wouldn't be making actual words as much as just practicing different sounds.

Handsome turns 7 months tomorrow! It's going so fast.

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