Thursday, December 13, 2007

Da, Da, Da, Ba, Ba, Ba

So unfair. How come the M sound has to be more difficult than the D or B? DH is of course ecstatic that Handsome is now calling his name - either Dada or Baba will do. There is no Mama. But I still don't think it counts that he's calling DH's name because he doesn't know what he's saying. He has to KNOW before it counts. Right? Or am I just making excuses so that I'm not sad he can't say my name?

We attempted to go to the gym last night. We hadn't been in a couple weeks and it was 7:30pm. You can see the disastrous scenario right? We got there and just sat him down in his little car seat and he started screaming. Nothing would do. DH stood with him for about 10 minutes so that I could work out for a little bit, but we left shortly thereafter. We HAVE to go to the gym more often. We haven't been going because my schedule changed so that the only time we could go is when Handsome is tired and cranky, plus now I'm afraid of him getting the flu from the other kids if we did go. I'm getting the feeling that Handsome is not going to let any of my family hold him over Christmas. That will be a bummer.

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