Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ga Ga Ga

You know what the most beautiful sound is? "ga ga ga ga.." I LOVE that sound. Yesterday Handsome decided to start babbling with "ga ga ga" and "ba ba ba." It's so cute! It looks like he is finally starting to understand some things and like he is actually trying to say something. He makes the sound by basically sticking his tongue between his lips and closing his mouth. Too cute. He's going to hate me for saying this one day, but he makes his mouth so wide that he looks like a little cow sticking it's tongue out. So cute!!

The other day I came home and DH was holding Handsome. Handsome was crying. I sat down next to DH and took Handsome and he stopped crying. I know it shouldn't make me feel good, but I was so happy that he would stop crying when I took him. Sometimes I feel like he's going to hate me since I leave him to go to work everyday. It just made me feel good that he still knows who I am and wants me to hold him.

Only 7 days left until I leave for Christmas vacation!! Yay!!!

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