Thursday, January 17, 2008


I've been up every two hours for the past few nights. This has GOT to stop. I'm exhausted. I tried to sleep in yesterday morning but that didn't really work out for me. DH is very good about getting up with Handsome in the morning if I need to get some extra sleep, but unfortunately he woke me up because his friend was coming over in the morning. Grr.

So how do you get a baby who was sleeping wonderfully through the night, but then got sick and is now up every two hours to go back to sleeping through the night? I would just not get up and let him put himself back to sleep, but he doesn't wake up and just whimper or fuss, he screams like he's being attacked and is terrified. I can't ignore that cry. I should probably just pick him up and comfort him and then put him back in his crib, but instead I feed him because that is the fastest and easiest way to get him back to sleep.

His top two front teeth are coming in. The front right one has broken through; probably happened a couple days ago, and the front left one is right behind it. He bit me as I was feeding him twice yesterday. Ouch, my friend. Ouch.

It's snowing outside! Well, now it's sleeting outside. This is going to make for a horrible commute home.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I really wish i had the answer to your question! Hopefully both of our little boys will go back to sleeping all night again asap!! Ouch on the biting! Lucas bit me A LOT when he first got his teeth, but he doesn't do it much anymore.