Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Agree with me people!!

You know what I don't understand? Why people don't agree with me. I know everyone is different, but when I have really thought through something I REALLY don't understand when they don't see things my way. Especially when I ask for their logic and they don't have any, but they still don't budge. Sometimes I want to say, "No, idiot. You're wrong. I can't BELIEVE that you would actually think that when the odds are stacked against you and my logic is either impenetrable or just better than yours. So eat dirt and follow what I say because you are too stupid to follow your own thought patterns."

Ok, this doesn't often happen, but it did today and I just had to vent. Better now. Everyone is smart in their own way. ;)


Hf said...

tag your it:

6 things about you then tag 6 others :)

Daily Verses said...

I like people to agree with me even when I haven't thought it through and don't make sense myself! LOL!