Saturday, December 20, 2008

Vacation.... and now sick

Today is the first day of my two week vacation!!! Yay!!!

But do you know what happened here at the very beginning of my glorious vacation? Sickness. Handsome started with a runny nose on Thursday. Then by Friday all three of us were sick. I am apparently the biggest wuss because all I want to do is sleep. Today DH let me sleep until 11am and probably would have let me sleep all day, but I woke up nauseous from hunger, so I got up. And now? Now I'm sneezing blood. Disgusting, right?

Our flight is on Tuesday. If I am congested while on a flight, I inevitably get an ear infection or two. Please, Lord, let us all be healthy by Tuesday. I don't know if I can handle a whiney, sick child on an airplane when I'm whiney and sick myself.

I hate colds.


Daily Verses said...

Praying for health by Tuesday...

Kelly said...

I hope you are feeling better by Tuesday!!