Monday, August 16, 2010


So the night after Junior's doctor's appointment was... difficult. He cried for hours. His reflux seemed worse and he was just plain miserable. As a result, both DH and I were also miserable. He hardy slept at all and he would wake up screaming. I think now that his immunizations contributed to him not feeling well. He's never reacted poorly to immunizations before, and these were all boosters, but I still think they were part of the problem.

The following night was better. I was still up every hour, but at least the crying was less. And then we moved to a couple two hour intervals. We also moved his playpen a little further away and put the motion sensor on him, so that I wouldn't worry about him rolling to his belly in the middle of the night and get him up prematurely.

But last night? Wanna know what happened? He slept for six hours straight!!!!! Woo-hoo! That's the first time he's ever slept that long. Prior to this he's slept about four hours a couple times, but that's it.

I, however, did not sleep for six hours. I was stressed about work and my mind would not slow down no matter how tired I was. Then once I fell asleep his monitor alarm went off because he had rolled off of it. I moved him and slept again. And then the same thing happened again... maybe two more times - it is kinda blurry. The last time the alarm went off I had to get up and ready for work. So I got about four hours total. I hope to get more sleep soon.

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