Thursday, August 5, 2010


Junior is scooting. If you put a toy in front of him, he will roll to his belly and push his legs behind him so that he will scoot forward and get the toy. He is still technically three months old. While I am glad that he is progressing and doing new things, I'm also a little afraid of such a young child being so mobile. I'm also not so happy that he can flip over onto his belly at night while he's supposed to be sleeping. I'm still terrified of SIDS and I haven't figured out how to rig the playpen that he sleeps in to put the motion sensor under where he is sleeping. Just to make things worse DH added that a boy between the ages of 2-4 months is the most likely to have SIDS. Thanks Dear.

And Junior is still getting up every 2 hours at night. I need sleep. Seriously.

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