Sunday, September 12, 2010

And here we go again...

Junior, my five month old baby, is crawling. He's been rolling and lunging and turning for a while, but now he has a legitimate crawl. It is a sloppy crawl right now, but I'm sure he will perfect it soon. Couldn't he remain immobile for a while longer? He also has a sturdy sit. He can sit up for quite a while playing with whatever we put in his hands. When he starts to fall over, he can balance himself with his belly muscles and stay sitting up. The sitting skill is one that Handsome passed over as being too mundane, so this one is new for us.

And now we must go back to making sure there are no choking hazards anywhere on the floor, because if they are there, he will find them.

Oh! And I got a SOLID SEVEN HOURS of sleep on Thursday night!!! It. Was. Awesome.

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