Monday, August 3, 2009

1, 2, 3, 4, 3!!!

We have a little counting book that is really for infants, but Handsome thinks it's funny so we go over it every night. It has five pages and counts - obviously - from one to five. I usually just say the numbers and let him repeat after me, but last week I decided to see if he knew any of them, so I just pointed and waited to see if he said the numbers, and HE DID!!! He went all the way from one to five!!! The following night I brought the book downstairs so that Handsome could show off to DH and he got all the numbers right again! And then I decided to record it for my parents to see, and this is what I got, "1, 2, 3, 4, 3!!!" Over and over again. He thought it was pretty funny. Stubborn child.

Are you ever afraid you won't be able to keep up with your child? Handsome can run. And I mean really run. If he takes off, I can catch up with him, but it takes me a little while. I'm afraid in a year or so that if he gets it in his mind to run, then I won't be able to catch him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh boy do i EVER have that fear. I have a REALLY hard time trying to catch him now that I have Carly in my arms so often. In a parking lot, my worst fear is that he's going to take off while i'm trying to put her carrier into the car. sheesh.

but yay owen for counting! we still get that from time to time too. 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 7, 8, 9, 2, 1. Hahaha