Saturday, May 16, 2009

My favorite sounds

Things that I love that Handsome says:

"Hold you!" - When he wants to be held, he holds up his hands and says, "Hold You!" Adorable

"Bubbles!" - When he says bubbles, he sticks out his little lips like he's going to kiss you.

"Thank you!" - When he gets his milk or whatever he wanted he always says thank you.

"You're welcome!" - When we say you're welcome he has to repeat it.

"Please!" - If his first request doesn't work, he starts in with the please...

"Mommy!" - He finally started regularly saying mommy a couple weeks ago. It sounds a little like mimi, but I'll take it.

"Night Night!" - He knows when it's bedtime.

"La la" - We watch La La Lullaby on Sprout at night. Not every night, but enough to where he knows when it's coming and says la la.

"I fall!" - He says this when pointing to his most recent wound, but also whenever he falls... which happens often.

"I got you!" - He got this from a game that he and DH play. He'll come up and grab you and say I got you.

"Kiss!" - When he wants a kiss he'll ask for it.

"Music!" - He takes after his father and always wants music playing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Two Year Check-up

Handsome had a check-up today. He's in the 60% for weight (29 lbs) and 35% for height (33in) and his head is 95%.

Remember his vocabulary that was so behind and we had to go to extra doctor's appointments because of it? She said today that he is actually now advanced in his language. Yay!! She said he is very expressive. Yay! The other day I was reading a book that Handsome didn't want so he got out of my lap and walked around to get the book he wanted. When he came back he held the book out to me and said, "I got a book!" I even asked him to repeat himself a couple times cause I couldn't believe it. He's got over 100 words, but most of his words are in English and DH isn't too pleased with that.

And because I don't want to write again:

Handsome fell last night. About 20 min after I got home I took him downstairs so he could play on his new slide, but instead he chased after his ball and tripped and fell and hit the corner of the wall squarely on his little lip. It cut it right open. The blood was just pouring out and it scared the crap out of me. I picked him up and carried him upstairs so that I could get a towel and apply pressure. Then I left DH to continue with the towel so that I could call the pediatrician and ask if we should go to the ER. He said yes, so we got our stuff together and headed to the hospital. By the time we got into the car his bleeding had mostly stopped and his crying had mostly stopped. He was a little sad because I made him leave his bubbles (which is what we used to get his mind off his lip), but he just sat in the car and sucked his thumb like nothing had happened.

Of course we sat at the ER forever. It took about four hours for him to get two little stitches in his lip. They did well with the stitches though so I'm glad we drove to the hospital that the ped recommended (30 min instead of the hospital that is 5 min away). DH stayed with Handsome while he was getting his stitches, but the nurses didn't let me stay. They "strongly encouraged" me to wait in the next room because they had too many mothers faint and get sick while watching their children get stitches. I heard him screaming in the next room, and was pretty glad I left. I knew DH was there and that made me feel better. When they finished they brought him out to me and his little face was all red and the tears had left their little salt pathways down his cheeks. He said Mommy like he had been broken and put his arms out for me to hold him. Oh, my poor baby.

And me, under pressure? TERRIBLE! After I put the compress on his little lip, DH took over, and I went to call the ped... I had to go stand outside. I got all sweaty and felt faint. I had to sit in the fresh air or I know I would have passed out. How terrible is that?! I never used to be like this. I loved watching the Health channel and people going through surgeries and I would be the calm one with other people's children. I don't know if I've lost my edge or if it's just really that different when it's your own child.

Anyway, DH is letting him sleep in late today since he needs to heal and he didn't get to bed till after midnight. When he gets up, DH is letting him watch as much Caillou as he wants so that there is at least one day with no running and risking hitting that lip again.

OH Lord, either make me stronger or give me fewer injuries to deal with... and I prefer the fewer injuries option.

When Handsome wakes up from a nap or something touches his lip, he points to his lip and says, "I fall!" It's heartbreaking.

So the day after Handsome turned two, he got a tick under his arm that DH had to pull out and I took to the doctor to make sure we didn't have to worry about lyme disease. The next day Handsome fell and busted his lip and needed stitches. The day after that he broke the bottom stitch and opened up the wound again. ... Can we go back to 1 again??